Dog Training With Shock Collar

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A few rules of thumb for when you are training with a shock collar.. No matter what you call them – shock collars, e-collars, or the more scientific-sounding "collar mounted electronic training aids" – are designed with the most basic form of learning in mind, operant conditioning. from a psychological perspective, the idea is remarkably simple. an animal has a. Dog shock collars. showing 40 of 59970 product - petrainer pet998dr1 rechargeable electric dog training collar lcd 100lv shock vibrate collar with remote. best.

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Using the electronic collar in dog training. before i begin, let me say that if you decide to use one i recommend that you not refer to it as a "shock collar.". Browse petco for dog training collars, including electronic collars, bark collars, head collars & others that are designed to help train & control dogs.. The term shock collar is a term used in order to describe a family of training collars (also called e-collars, ecollars, remote training collars, zap collars, or electronic collars) that deliver electrical shocks of varying intensity and duration to the neck of a dog (they can also be applied to other places on the dog's body, to achieve.

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