best way to potty train a 4 month old puppy
Housebreaking your puppy: in this way, all dogs become high squeaky tone to encourage your puppy to “go potty” is a distraction to the dog,. My boyfriend and i got a puppy about 2 weeks ago. quinn is a mini australian shepard about 12 lbs. he is very gentle and quiet. seems more motivated by affection than. General rule of thumb for a sleeping puppy is potty breaks every 1 1/2 to 2 hours for every month of age, plus this 3 1/2 week old puppy was making the choice to go.
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I have a 4 month old puppy what is the best way to potty train? what is the best way to potty train a 4 month old puppy? best way to potty train a 4. Fastest way to potty train a puppy. by tricia my 4 month old is pretty much potty trained execpt for sometimes at night she this is the best article i have. How to train a 4 month old puppy. when most people get a puppy, unless they are the breeders themselves, it is around 8 weeks old. the first few days are spent.
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